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Steve's Weblog

An incurable tennis addict, Steve Flink has been following the game since 1965, the year he first went to Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships. Flink is a Senior Correspondent for Tennis Week Magazine, a publication he joined in 1992. From 1972-82, he put his photographic memory to use as a statistician for CBS, NBC and ABC. He has been a consultant and writer for the International Tennis Hall of Fame since 1994 and is a member of their Nominating Committee. Steve is the author of The Greatest Tennis Matches of the 20th Century. Flink's recall of match history is unsurpassed.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Steve Flink- Author and Tennis Historian

"The best server confronted the best returner."

"The tiebreaker mystique depends on the serve. Both men excelled at it."

"The preceding matches and the surface influenced the result."

"Contrast in personality and style heightened the tension."

Check out my latest book titled, "The Greatest Tennis Matches of the 20th Century." Please contact me for more information at mailto:steve@steveflink.com


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